AHMED E. SOUAIAIA (pronounced sway-`iyya) is a faculty member at the University of Iowa, with joint appointment in International Studies, Religious Studies, and College of Law. His teaching and research are focused on human rights examined through the principles of systems thinking framework.
> Bio
Recently published…
- Journal Article: Reading and interpreting Ibn Khaldun’s economic philosophy
- Translated work: al-Muqaddima: al-Ma`ash
- Muslims and the Western Conception of Rights
- Is Facebook the Face of Cyber Colonialism
- Hope Springs Eternal: Reforming Inheritance Law in Islamic Societies
- What is the difference between “Muslim” and “Islamic”?
- The Genealogy, Ideology, and Future of ISIL (Daesh) and its Derivatives
- Theories and Practices of Islamic Finance and Exchange Laws: Poverty of Interest
- Qatar’s Formula for Influence: Wealth, Islamism, Aljazeera and the Arab Spring
- Politics of Appearances: Religion, Law, and the Press in Morocco
- She’s Upright: Sexuality and Obscenity in Islam
- On the Sources of Islamic Law and Practices
- Archived Works:
- PDF / Concurrent devolution of power regionally and military action against genocidal fighters nationally
- PDF / Why Putin Would Be Happy With or Without War in Syria?
PDF / Who should uphold international law, and why do Syrians support the regime? - PDF / A fragile alliance: how the crisis in Egypt caused a rift within the anti-Syrian regime block
- PDF /Narratives of War in Islamic Societies, Whose side is God on?
- PDF /A Turkish Spring even if different from the Arab Spring
PDF / To compete globally, BRICS nations need reputation, not imitation - PDF / On the need to balance endowments and academic integrity…
- Articles archived on Bepress’ SelectdWorks…