Islamic Studies Resources Middle East Studies Listserv (Subscribers access only) Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies Video Resources Islamic Societies Review (essays and articles about current events) Islamic Studies Bibliography (general) Islamic Studies Bibliographies (Women and Gender Studies) Islamic Studies Bibliography (Religion and Politics) Islamic law and government bibliography (Sharia) also see list of Islamic and Arabic Studies Journals • The 2011 Uprisings and Wars in SWAANA, Primary & Secondary Sources Repositories • Library Resources: Middle Eastern Studies • HUQUQ: Online Companion Platform–Human Rights in Islamic Societies • Modern Standard Arabic: Arabic language lessons, lecture Notes, and grammar tools • News and Views: Education, Universities, Research, Teaching • Jobs and faculty positions in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies (MESA); see also Chronicle of Higher Education • Internships, Scholarships, & Fellowships Other Resources: • Custom Dictionary: Key Arabic words and concepts in Islamic studies: Islamic Law, Islamic Ethics and Moral Philosophy, Modern Islamic Thought